Sign up for a Dynamics 365 CE Online Trial

  1. Launch an Incognito (Chrome) or InPrivate (Internet Explorer) browsing session

  2. Go to
  3. On the Start your digital transformation here page, click Dynamics 365 for Sales and scroll down to the bottom.
  4. Click “Sign up here
  5. On “Are you a partner or Microsoft employee?” choose No, continue signing up
  6. Thank you for Choosing Dynamics 365 screen should display. Enter a personal email address and click “Next”
  7. Click to “Create new account”
  8. On “Tell us about yourself”
    1. For First name and Last name, fill in your first name and your last name
    2. For Business phone number, fill in your cell phone number (cell phone is needed to get text messages for authentication)
    3. For Company name, fill in <Name Of Your Company>
    4. For Organization size, select 2-4 people
    5. Select your country or region
    6. Click “Next” to Continue
  9. Choose text (or call if you did not use a cell phone in the previous step) then press Send Verification Code
  10. Enter your verification code (That received on your phone) and click “Verify”
  11. “Create your business identity” screen should display
    1. Enter the name “YourBusiness”. This will be your D365 CE instance URL
    2. Click Check availability
    3. Click “Next” once your name is available
  12. Enter User Id and Password and click “Sign up”
  13. Should display the confirmation Page. Click “Get Started
  14. Should redirect to
    1. Make sure Cookies allowed for these sites. Otherwise you get an error
  15. Page should display default environment
  16. Create New Environment (Default environment has some limitations)
    1. Select “Trail” type
    2. Select your region
    3. Check “Create a database for this environment”
    4. Click “Next”
  17. Add Database
    1. Select the language
    2. Enter the URL for D365 CE for this environment
    3. Select currency
    4. Check “Deploy sample apps and data”
  18. Now we can use D365 CE modern driven app or power apps.
  19. To use power apps
    1. Go to
    2. Select your environment

I hope this helps.

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