Dynamics 365 has feature to leverage Microsoft Office 365 security group as a team. This helps to assign roles to

Dynamics 365 has feature to leverage Microsoft Office 365 security group as a team. This helps to assign roles to
Segments in Dynamics 365 Marketing A market segment is a collection of contacts that we target with a customer journey.
Step by step to create MARKETING module for Dynamics 365 CE Create marketing instance or environment is bit different than
Add users to your Office 365 Launch an Incognito (Chrome) or InPrivate (Internet Explorer) browsing session Go to https://office.com Log
Launch an Incognito (Chrome) or InPrivate (Internet Explorer) browsing session Go to https://trials.dynamics.com On the Start your digital transformation here
We have lots of integration tools available within Microsoft itself and other providers. Sometimes we may encounter a client already
We have been using workflow to set/update Business Process Flow (BPF) when a record is created or updated and even