Power Automate: Get Team Members from Team Site

This blog will discuss retrieving the team members list from the team site.


We had a requirement to notify or share the members on their team site once a week. 

We can achieve the business requirements with effortless Power Automate flow. In this process, no coding is required.

Complete Steps

Email (User Receives this email)

    • The user receives this email
    • Web URL, which has a link to the CSV file stored in one drive




  • Create Scheduled cloud flow and update the Recurrence based on the requirement
  • Search “Office 365 Groups” and select it
  • Select “List group members”
  • Select the Group id, which is Team Site

  • Search “Data Operation” to Add the next step
  • Select the operation called “Create CSV Table”
  • Set the From property (Value property of List group members”

  • Search “OneDrive for Business” to add the next step
  • Select “Create file” and Set the
    • Folder path
    • File Name
    • File Content (output previous step – Create CSV Table)

  • Add the next step as “Create share link”
  • Set
    • File
    • Link Type –> Edit or View
    • Link Scope –> Anonymous/Organization

  • Add a final step to send an email with the link.


We can retrieve the users/members list using Power Automate and share it with the team.


Thanks for reading, and Enjoy the development!


  1. Hi All – thanks a lot for your flow. Out teams have around 300 users, while the script only extract the first 100 … is there any trick to extract the full list?

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